August 10, 2023

I am the one who protects you 24/7 from all the dangerous unknowns and what ifs. I get an A+++ in hyper-vigilance since I’m on call at all times. I am also really exhausted since I never let my guard down. You can never know what to expect and it’s impossible that things can always be safe and peaceful. Even when they are it doesn’t last. Something is always lurking around the corner. When you least expect it, there it is again.

This is why I stand guard at all times scanning for what can happen. I’m older now but I’ve grown up with you—looking out for you with wide eyes, in waiting, since we’re babies. I really want to retire from this job but I’m not sure how to separate from you.

My gift to you has always been to keep you out of harms way and always make sure you’re ready for whatever comes.

I want you know I love you but my job is coming to an end as soon as I can figure out how to let go. With my retirement you will be free from my entrapment.


August 16, 2023


August 6, 2023