November 26, 2023
Title: The Protective Twin
Committee Suit
I am the figure it out protector who took on my job at the same time as my young exile had to fend for herself.
That’s when we became twins except she carried the burdens and I stepped in to manage everything so she didn’t have to feel the pain of abandonment.
At that time Self wasn’t able to help us either, but now she is there to love and take care of us both and I don’t have to work so hard anymore.
There’s more to do to settle this in our systems, and now that we are all held together, the healing can begin to happen.
November 26, 2023
Title: The Master Controller
Committee Suit
I am the master controller.
I am the one who fixes, figures it all out, over prepares, over plans, inquires, reviews, manages and works urgently to understand everyone and everything around me.
I am really good at controlling my situations and surroundings to keep everything together and under control. Otherwise I feel like I’d fall apart.
Underneath this PhD manager is a very young tender young one who feels fragmented and left to fend for herself.
Understanding and figuring things out helps her to avoid the abandoned, rejected little one underneath it all.
November 25, 2023
I am one who is lost, yet free.
I am the one who wanders alone with anticipation and curiosity, making friends along the way.
I am one who is held in a sacred space by the presence of guides and angels as I find my way.
November 21, 2023
Title: The Ancestors
Council Suit
I am the one who who has layers of past lives and ancestors within me.
I carry their stories, their humor, their spirit and their love, just like I hold their complexities, burdens, shame and traumas too. It’s hard to have their goodness without their darkness too.
I feel their presence and want to know more. I’m ready for them to call on me—to share the wisdom they possess and the burdens they carry, so I can to better understand myself.
I am a community of souls and lifetimes who is listening with an open heart for more.
November 17, 2023
I am the one who is calm and settled in quiet still surroundings.
In this space I feel curious and creative—open to mystery and possibility.
Without the pressures around me or the burdens and beliefs I carry inside—I feel peaceful and free to let my mind imagine.
Here is where I have the courage, clarity and space to step into my full power.
November 13, 2023
Title: Monkey Mind
Committee Suit
I am the one who needs to screw my head on straight.
I am the one who is trying to re-meet my authentic true self—the one who rises above all the patterns, voices and parts.
These are the ones that are perpetuating overwhelm, chaos and repetitive looping of old beliefs—like broken records in my brain.
I am the one who screws it tightly and tucks it away through silence and stillness.
This is also my regulation when this process feels like too much.
November 9, 2023
I am the one who leads with heart and sometimes needs a life preserver and connection to spirit to keep me afloat.
I am one who is grateful that my soul can connect with his and he can take back what belongs to him—and lessen the burdens I carry inside me.
I am one who can try to release what’s not mine with your help.
I want you to know that even when it’s hard and you feel like giving up, keep connecting with all your heart.
November 6, 2023
I am one who is the whole of many parts.
I am playful and flirtatious yet sometimes so caught in my own head, I wish I could fly away and disappear.
I see so much beauty and tragedy in life and feel so much chaos inside, it’s maddening for one who is highly sensitive.
I am the one who wishes I could stop the madness and simply just BE.