October 29, 2023

I am the one who feels like an outcast.

Silenced and alone from the rest of the herd, I feel like I don’t belong and no one gets me.

Scared to speak up and afraid of backlash, I would rather be small and still to keep the peace than take sides or speak with conviction. The latter is too much disruption inside me for my body to bear.

Stunned and silenced, I feel safer alone and frozen or in my own pool of ongoing tears.

October 27, 2023

I am the exile who finds safety and connection in the hands of my true self—the one who carries wisdom from adult consciousness and knows I’m not stuck back in time.

This is where I can find the security and comfort to get to know, and let go of, what needs to be released. It’s here where I meet the playful young parts covered up by my protectors.

In this sacred, safely held space, these fierce protectors turn into pictures. They watch me find the true self also held within my exiles.

I’m not sure what will come of it, but I trust I will understand more soon.

It helps to feel the soul of my dad smiling alongside me.

October 24, 2023

I am the young one who is free to have fun.

When I unburden all the fear and helplessness I can find my way back to my true self.

I am the one that wants to skip in nature and fly with butterfly wings.

It feels like a graduation to the next layer of freedom.

October 19, 2023

I am the one who rises back up.

I am one who is resilient, playful, full of love, light and imagination.

I can hold a space of beauty even when it feels like the world is falling apart, especially when I feel the presence of angels.

In the majestic forest we soak in the natural wonders and vivid colors that envelop us.

I want you to know that whether it’s your personal struggles or the uncertainty and brutality in the world, it’s OK to coexist with beauty.

It’s our birthright to embody aliveness and to be free of suffering.

October 14, 2023

I am the young one who is getting the courage to speak.

At the same time, I am the young one who is grateful for my guarded protection in case I need to go back and hide.

I feel the strength and heart energy of my earth angel knowing she is by my side to take care of me too.

I am aware they are both close by.

It’s with YOUR hand, I’m learning to find comfort, trust and connection. YOU carry me INSIDE your heart.

I’m ready for your love and attention.

I am hopeful with the help of my guides, protectors and YOU, that I can unburden all the urgency, sorrow and secrets I carry because it’s all too much.

I am the young one who doesn’t want to hold it anymore.

October 7, 2023

I am the young one who feels so sad and alone. I lay in a puddle of rain and dirt because it feels like familiar terrain—part of my own pool of endless tears and inner turmoil.

I want so badly to break free of this nagging and present heartbreak. Sometimes this force pulls me back in even as I do the work of letting go to discover a new way to nurture myself.

Yet sometimes, I am still the young wounded parts that yearn for safety and love.

I am also the one who feels like an outcast because of this longing.

If I only had what they have, maybe I wouldn’t feel so alone and they wouldn’t wonder why I’m like this.

Instead I have to find it inside myself and within my inner circle.

I want you to remember this is not all of you or all the time. Remember to let the young ones have their time to grieve what should have been yours.


November 2023


September 2023