March 7, 2023

I am the one who dresses up and puts on a good show.

I am somewhat elegant and always like to feel contained too. I know behind doors are many options to take my show on the road, yet I don’t always do that, since feeling safe feels better to my system.

If I could step out surrounded by a barrier of beautiful flowers and plants, or props it might help me to not be so scared and feel like people are staring at me, I am the one who wants to break through the doors and put myself out there yet right now still feel like it’s too much to expose myself.

I’m inside dressed and ready to go yet I’m still choosing to stay behind the door and not in front or outside of it.

March 4, 2023

I am the one who steps outside to take in life.

I dance with the butterflies and bless the young parts of me coming out of their shell who also want to play.

I am the little one who can dance with butterflies too, knowing I’m with you and it’s safe to come out of my cocoon.

I am one who rejoices in the colors and magic of nature and life.

I am the one who feels free and pure, who feels sun on my face and lightness in my being.

I am the one who sees life existing outside—and not inside looking out. I am not trapped. I am free to explore, play, immerse myself in pleasure, expand my senses and simply exist in beauty.


April 2023


February 2023