June 19 2023

I am the young one who learned to hold my emotions inside and suppress all my own needs. It wasn’t safe to be me. This helped protect me and survive a chaotic entry to this world. The masterful protector knows exactly how to save me from overwhelm by pushing all my fear, my rage, my helplessness deep in my belly where it stays frozen and becomes my security. I hold this mass of energy close to me as if its my own baby that I learn to cherish. I am the one who knows I can’t hold this anymore since it’s keeping me stuck and sick. I don’t know what is looming on my right side, I just know it’s scarey and I’m trying to get away from it. I am the one who walks through this slowly and with care. I am the one who is trepidatious and also has the courage to find out more to heal my heart, soul and body.


June 28, 2023


June 8, 2023