January 14, 2023
I am the one who is waiting. Feeling the frustration of a broken, fragmented body disconnected from head and heart. I am the one who is hopeful that nature will guide my authentic self and heal me. I am the one who grows fungus and also takes in the clean air of the forest. I am one who dreams and knows one day I won’t be challenged by my body. I am the one who is safe up in the tree to not disappoint anyone. I am one who can also see beauty when my body is disconnected and challenged. I am one who is safe and nurtured by nature.
My gift to you is patience. My gift to you is calm. My gift to you is the awareness of impermanence and the knowledge that everything is flowing and that everything has it’s time. My gift to you is telling you that this too shall pass.
I want you to say “it will be ok” “you’re ok” this is just what it is right now. People can be disappointed and it doesn’t mean you’re responsible. You’re OK as you are and really feel that.
I also want you to know you are strong and lovable. You are not responsible for your internal bruises or anything that your body somatize’s. You are perfect as you are. Be gentle, kind, patient and loving to yourself always.