January 31, 2023

I am the one whose insides are mangled. They are contracted, constricted and holding all the danger of my life.

I am the one who’s in anguish, feeling every dagger penetrating my skin and my soul.

I am the one who is dried up—ready to escape to an underground place where I can ease the mangled constriction and know I’m safe and can relax. There are no daggers down below.

January 31, 2023

I am the one who can fall deep into the abyss at any moment.

I sit alone feeling out of place and exhausted and can easily be taken out by the chaos and wash away.

The wounded girl in me sometimes still sits on the ledge waiting for danger and hoping to evaporate. Yet the adult in me knows how to appreciate the storms and silence and can self-soothe the little one. She is wise, strong and can take care of herself and all her parts. She can appreciate the fierce beauty of nature and not need to jump in and escape.

I am the one who can hold both places as they coexist within me.

January 21, 2023

I am the one who sits waiting calmly with the readiness and strength to activate at any moment. I am the one who can transform this activation like a butterfly floating with ease in the stillness and awe of sunset. I am the one waiting to fight, to protect, to jump into action at any moment. Things are still now, but can change very quickly to danger even with the beauty of sunrise or sunset—stillness can become chaos, just like chaos can become still. This is the wonder of impermanence. The butterfly is always there to spread her wings and fly away to safety.

My gift to you is the balance of strength and ease, the message of flow and impermanence. You don’t have to live in high alert. You can trust the tiger in you will protect and activate when he’s needed. Instead spread your wings with joy and ease and take in the beauty all around you. The tiger has your back and can rest.

I want you to say, fly and be free. The tiger needs a rest. Let him do his job only when he truly has to. He’s not needed every moment of every waking hour. He’s tired too and needs a rest.

Remember to have fun, enjoy your day, be present and savor goodness. Set the hyper-vigilance free even with all the things that create discomfort.

January 16, 2023

I am the one who is connected to self—calm, peaceful and still. I am the one who appreciates simplicity and silence and yearns for this. I am the one who can be my truest version and most authentic self without all the distractions life bombards me with. I am the one who seeks the wisdom and quiet of a monk and the freedom of a bird. I am the one who feels safe and relaxed alone without the pressure of disappointing others.

My gift to you is to remind you this sense of self is always there for you to reconnect to and embody no matter what.

I want you to say, it’s ok, it’s always ok, you’re ok, you’re safe. I’m here for all the parts of you that need healing. I’m always in there amidst the chaos, fear and uncertainty.

Always remember to look deeply into your own soul, your own eyes, the eyes of nature and your inner monk, to self-sooth and show up in grace and presence for yourself and those you cherish.

January 14, 2023

I am the one who is waiting. Feeling the frustration of a broken, fragmented body disconnected from head and heart. I am the one who is hopeful that nature will guide my authentic self and heal me. I am the one who grows fungus and also takes in the clean air of the forest. I am one who dreams and knows one day I won’t be challenged by my body. I am the one who is safe up in the tree to not disappoint anyone. I am one who can also see beauty when my body is disconnected and challenged. I am one who is safe and nurtured by nature.

My gift to you is patience. My gift to you is calm. My gift to you is the awareness of impermanence and the knowledge that everything is flowing and that everything has it’s time. My gift to you is telling you that this too shall pass.

I want you to say “it will be OK” “you’re OK” this is just what it is right now. People can be disappointed and it doesn’t mean you’re responsible. You’re OK as you are and really feel that.

I also want you to know you are strong and lovable. You are not responsible for your internal bruises or anything that your body somaticize’s. You are perfect as you are. Be gentle, kind, patient and loving to yourself always.

January 3, 2023

Title: The Pure Child
Committee Suit

I am one who sits back in ease and watches the world through the purity of a child’s eyes—full of awe, wonder and curiosity as my imagination soars.

I am held in love and safety by my own nurturing mother energy as I move through the world protecting each and every sacred moment of my precious life.


February 2023