I help you discover parts of yourself through art.

SoulCollage® is a non-therapeutic way to get to know the many parts that make you—YOU! You may learn more about your Inner Child, Inner Critic, Warrior, Goddess or Playful parts.
I help guide you (or your group) through the process of creating your cards and then listening to the wisdom they have to share with you.

*available virtually and in-person in the Tri-state area


Are you looking for a new way to learn more about yourself and have fun doing it?

If so, you’re in the right place! SoulCollage® is a creative and intuitive process to get to know your inner world in pictures. The best part is you don’t have to consider yourself creative to try it.

I found SoulCollage® to support my healing process from complex trauma, and it has helped me grow more comfortably into my authentic Self. Through this process I have re-met my younger, joyful, playful parts and learned how to better work with the parts of me that hold the burdens and shadows. I am so passionate about this practice, I became a SoulCollage® Facilitator and am excited to offer it to you through virtual 1-1 coaching, theme events and workshops. In-person events are also available in the Tri-state area.

SoulCollage® is an expressive arts practice done individually or in community. Founded by Seena B. Frost, the method develops creativity and intuition, encourages self-discovery, and provides personal guidance. SoulCollage® meets you wherever you are on this journey called life. You don’t have to be an artist to make SoulCollage® cards. Anyone can create and enjoy this powerful practice.* (*paragraph copy from https://soulcollage.com/about/)

This process encourages deeper discovery using prompted journaling where the card tells you more about its meaning using specific questions like, “who are you?” “what do you want from me?” and “what is your gift to me?”. Although the meaning of each card can change over time as life evolves, we always ask the card these questions. The card answers with “I am the one who (IATOW). . .”

My hope in sharing both my cards and personal journey is that those who are suffering in silence can discover a way to release what lives trapped deeply inside and know that healing is possible.

Meet Carla

I’m Carla Alpert—a SoulCollage® Facilitator, an artist, trauma-informed Functional Medicine Practitioner and Board Certified Wellness Coach. I found SoulCollage® as another way to support my healing from complex post-traumatic stress disorder (C-PTSD). I personally work with it creatively and intuitively to get to know my inner world in pictures. Collage has helped me process therapy sessions, stored emotions and get clarity on my internal world by expressing it visually on paper.

Many years ago, when I was searching for the “missing link” in my own health struggles, I found Somatic Experiencing. This started the process of unraveling complex trauma stored deep within my body that I was completely unaware of. Since then I continue to do a combination of Somatic, Hakomi and IFS therapy. I also became a certified NARM Professional as a way to help others in my practice and better understand my own trauma. As an IFS-Informed coach, I’m able to help others get to know their inner parts as I continue to get to know mine. SoulCollage® is a non-therapeutic and fun way to do that too.

My hope in sharing my personal process in the card galleries, comes from a deep desire to help those of you who suffer in silence and may think there’s no way out of your internal struggles.

Creativity is a means to express things we may not have words for. You don’t have to be artist to explore this collage process either, just an open heart filled with courage, curiosity and desire to explore.

If you’d like to learn more about my health coaching practice you can find out all about it here at Well Humans.